CGE611-BQ CGE611-BQ - Konveksjonsovn. Kap. 6 x 11GN. 2-vifter. Autorevers. 7.8kW. Scheie Storkjøkken. Diamond..jpg

Konveksjonsovn. Kap: 6 x 1/1GN. 2-vifter. Autorevers. 7,8kW

Leveringstid normalt 1-2 uker
kr 28 487,75 Eks. MVA
kr 33 515,00 Eks. MVA
kr 5 027,25 Eks. MVA
Konveksjonsovn (varmluft), autorevers og fukttilsetning. Beregnet for 1/1-GN brett.

Kapasitet 6 x 1/1-GN (53,5x32,5cm brett).
Optimal varmefordeling med autorevers funksjon.
Manuell fuktighetstilsetning. 
Temperaturinnstilling: 50-270°C.
Tidsur fra 1-120 minutter.
Varselsignal når ferdig.
Innvendig lys.
Utvendig og innvendig utførelse i rustfritt stål AISI 430.
Avrunede hjørner innvendig og avløp.
Dobbelt glass 4mm.
Avstand mellom brettene 75mm.
Leveres med 1 rister.
Mål: 885x815xh720mm. 230-400V/3-fas. 7,8 kW.    (Vekt 87 kg).

Product details
Supplied with 1 grid GN 1/1
2 fans "autoreverse"
Inside and outside made off stainless steel AISI 430.
Chamber with rounded corners.
Easily removable" counter-door seal.
Deep-drawn bottom collects condensation towards discharge.
Easily removable plate-holder structure (75 mm).
Easily removable deflectors.
Condensate drain.
Motor(s) with "autoreverse" turbines (2800 rpm) guarantee even heat distribution.
Door: athermic, double-glazed (4 mm), intermediate pane hinged for easy maintenance.
Ergonomic, athermic, self-closing handle.
Micro-switch to stop fan when opening.
Electrical heating: stainless steel armored heaters located behind the turbine deflectors.
Control panel with humidification selector, thermostat from 50°C to 270°C, timer from 1 to 120 min.

The +
Very quick temperature reach.
Homogenous and quick cooking, even at low temperature thanks to the heat circulation through turbines.
Thanks to the humidifier, cook without drying out, "autoreverse".
Wide range of accessories, supports, levitation cupboard,...

Professional oven, big benefits (7,9 Kw). Turbines "autoreverse" oversized (2800 turns/min). "reinforced "frame ultra strong. Door with double glazing 4mm "High T°". Pressing fund wich collects condensation towards the discharge... Wide range of accessories, supports, levitation chambers...

mm (BxDxH) : 885x815x720
kW : 7,8
Volt : 400-230/3N 50-60Hz
kg : 87
M³ : 0,73

Relaterte varer

Hev/varmeskap. Kap 8stk.60x40 eller 1/1 brett. Temp 30-60°C.
Leveringstid normalt 1-2 uker
kr 22 105,00 Eks. MVA