Kjølebenk med 4 dører. GN-tilpasset. Bakkant.
Kapasitet på 550 liter. Kompakt konstruksjon.
Kjølebenken har ventilerte kjølefordampere. Automatisk avisning og fordamping av tinevann.
Kjølefordamperne er overflatebehandlet med belegg, for økt levetid (beskytter blant annet mot salt og syrer fra matvarer).
Rustfritt stål utvendig og innvendig, med avrundede hjørne.
Dørene holdes inne med magnetlister.
Tilpasset omgivelsestemperatur +32°C. Det medfølger 1 stk rist pr. dør (53x32,5cm - 1/1-GN).
Justerbare ben i rustfritt stål. Disse kan erstattes med hjul.
Digital temperaturkontroll. Temperaturområde: 0° til +8°C.
LED-display i front med elektronisk programmering. Kjølemedium R290, mye mer miljøvennlig.
Cooling table with raised rear edge, ventilated, 4 doors GN 1/1 (550 Lit.)
- Monobloc structure, interior and exterior (also the back) construction in austenitic stainless steel (food), upper top (40 mm).
- Stamped inside bottom with draining cap (high maintenance), rounded angles and corners (without bumps), racks and slides (anti-swinging) in stainless steel.
- Doors, with built-in handles (not salient), magnetic joint (easy replacement, without tools), hinge with automatic return (blocking at 90°), 1 grid by door.
- Compressor group in climatic class 4, ventilated condenser, placed on the left side, frontal accessibility (panel on hinges), on "removable" slides, easy cleaning and maintenance.
- Refrigerant R290. - Ventilated evaporator (oversized), treated against the salt and the food acids, completely hidden (not visible).
- Programmable electronic regulator (under sealed box, waterproof), display on front. - Automatic defrosting (programmable as one pleases), automatic evaporation of the condenser.
- Polyurethane insulation without CFC.
- Adjustable stainless steel feet.
- The equipment is manufactured following the (CE) standards in force.
- The new Profi Line tables are "eco-responsible" because of the R290 ecological refrigerant.
mm (BxDxH) : 2250x700xh880/900
T° : 0° +8°
kW : 0,51
Volt : 230/1N 50Hz
kg : 166
M³ : 2,05