Elektrisk frityr. Gulvmodell. 2x 7 liter. 230-400V. 10,5 kW.

Leveringstid normalt 1-2 uker
kr 46 590,00 Eks. MVA
Optima 700. Dobbel frityrkoker - elektrisk.

Elektrisk frityr (gulvmodel) med 2 beholdere på 7 liter, totalt 14 liter.
Oljetank i skap med filter for enkel avtapping av olje, se deletegning (EPD).
Innbygd sikkerhetstermostat.
Meget rask og robust modell.
Temperaturområde: 100-190°C.
Beholdere med runde vinkler; mål: 140x340xh280mm.
Kurvmål:120x295xh120mm, 2 kurver medfølger.

mm (BxDxH) : 400x700(730)xh850/920
kW : 10,5
Volt : 400-230/3N 50-60Hz
kg : 60
M³ : 0,4

Electric fryer 2 7-liter tanks on cupboard

- Tank dimensions 140x340xh280 mm.
- Tank capacity, Min. 6 lit. Max. 7 lit.
- Chromium steel wire basket, dimensions 120x295xh120 mm.
- Manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304, with adjustable feet in stainless steel.
- Top pressed with lateral edges.
- Tank "pressed" in stainless steel AISI 304 with interior rounded angles for easy maintenance, cold zone. outlet tap (bullet) in the cupboard. Filter in chrome stainless steel. Lid in stainless steel. Base with drip tray for decantation.
- Version on cupboard : Outlet tap (bullet) Base with drip tray for decantation.
- Electric heater through armoured resistances in stainless steel, immersed in the basin, tumbling resistances to simplify the cleaning of the tub, temperature regulation through a thermostat between 100°C and 190°C.